Work Study Positions

  • For College Students

LUAG offers a variety of work study positions for eligible students.  Positions include Museum Administrative Assistant and Visitor Services Representative among others. Learn valuable skills in the museum field, and work alongside a dynamic team of experts.  Contact us at for more information.

LUAG Reading Room

  • For College Students

LUAG maintains a reference library of books, journals, and publications focused on museum studies, museum education, curatorial practices, art and art history, art education, and cultural heritage studies.  The LUAG Reading Room can be searched through ASA, the Lehigh University Library system, and is located adjacent to the Main Gallery in Zoellner Arts Center. It’s a great place to study, with free wifi and free coffee!  Open during regular gallery hours. 

LUAG Peer Arts Council (PAC)

  • For College Students

Join the LUAG PAC (Peer Arts Council)!  This group meets three times per semester to create and shape the LUAG’s programming, exhibitions, and outreach.  Committee members enjoy a range of benefits, from visiting speakers, behind-the-scenes experiences with the art collection to previews of upcoming exhibitions to special LUAG swag!  To join or for more information, contact us at

Museum Studies

  • For College Students

Lehigh University offers a minor in Museum Studies, consisting of a minimum of four courses that provide an overview of museum professions and core museological functions. Studies include research, collections management and exhibition planning; education, communication and exhibition design; and special topics in museum and curatorial studies.

PK-12 School Visits

  • For PK-12 Schools and Educators

Come visit the Lehigh University Art Galleries with your PK-12 class!  The LUAG offers guided and self-guided visits for students of all ages and abilities, completely free of charge.  Classes may visit exhibitions or the permanent collection, and all tours are interactive and discussion-based. Tours are led by trained educators, artists, and Lehigh students, and include a sketching or writing component.

To schedule your visit, please submit the group visit request form, or contact us at or (610) 758-3615

Teach with the LUAG Collection

  • For Faculty

Works of art are dynamic sources that can be integrated into all disciplines and courses. Faculty are encouraged to explore works on view in the six galleries across the three campus and request a guided class visit to any of the LUAG exhibitions or art study centers, completely free of charge. Visit Current Exhibitions to see what's on view now and make an appointment wth our museum staff to discuss ways to integrate current exhbition with your teaching syllabus.

Guided and Self-Guided Tours of Exhibitions and Galleries

Please use only numerals, with no hyphens or other punctuation, spaces, etc.
Please enter your School/Group Name or if Lehigh Class Title and Course Number
What type of experience are you interested in?
Which exhibition(s) would you like to see during your visit?
Please tell us about the purpose of your visit, what you would like to see during your visit, or any curricular goals you'd like to meet.
LUAG welcomes visitors of all ages and abilities. Tell us about your group below, including any accessible accommodations or needs they may have.
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