Hawk the Vote: Day of Civic Involvement

Join Hawk the Vote and Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG) on Election Day for a series of virtual presentations and workshops that encourage civic participation. Please save the date, more information coming soon.
9:00am - 10:00am
A bipartisan conversation led by representatives from both the college democrats and college republicans where students will discuss the issues confronting the next generations of Americans.
Register in advance for this event:
Kylie Seyler
Hannah Kushner
Miranda Asral
David Owolabi
10:30am - 11:30am
An in depth conversation on the past, present, and potential future of elections in the United States America. Led by Professor Brian Fife (Political Science)
Register in advance for this event:
Brian Fife
David Owolabi
12:00 pm - 1:00pm
Professor Karen Pooley (Political Science) will lead a conversation where she interrogates how race relates to economic outcomes in the United States of America.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Karen Pooley
David Owolabi
1:30pm - 2:30pm
We get much of our information, not to mention our entertainment, from the media. And we all know that a lot of it is-- let's be honest-- bullshit. But how do we know when we're being bullshitted? And perhaps more important, how do we call out BS when we see it, in ways that are effective and constructive?
Register in advance for this meeting:
Professor Ziad Munson
David Owolabi
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Graduate student Emily Poole will lead a conversation which seeks to make sense of the unique roles athletes play in conversations relating to politics and activism.
Register in advance for this event:
Emily Poole
David Owolabi
What does it look like to do democracy? Join student and LUAG intern Rei Ukon for a tour of this exhibition that explores the unfolding process of American democracy through an array of photographs that shine a light on significant events of the 20th century and the present—featuring world leaders, the media, politicians, civil rights movements, and everyday Americans.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Rei Ukon
Tracie Dinh
Stacie Brennan
5:45pm - 6:00pm
Closing remarks presented by David Owolabi.
Register in advance for this meeting: