The city street, teeming with chance encounters, provides a feast for photographers seeking material and inspiration.  Candid glimpses of humanity, random juxtapositions, and unnoticed details all offer themselves to be framed by the camera’s improvisatory eye.  Once the very symbol of an artist’s freedom to capture and use images at will, today the practice of street photography sparks conversations about public and private space, the ownership of images, and consent.  This exhibition was developed in conjunction with professor Anna Chupa’s courses Art 07: Digital Photography and Art 90: iPhoneography, and includes works by Duane Michals, Sabine Weiss, Garry Winogrand, Donna Ferrato, and others.       

Join us for public programs and educational events that explore the urban environment, including lectures, tours, and photography workshops.   


View the exhibition in PDF format below.