Making an Argument for Art

In Spring 2021, fourteen Lehigh undergraduates in Dr. William Crow's class ART275 Museum Collections and Exhibitions were charged with the task of acquiring new works that would enhance the university's art collection. They put forth arguments for works that would - in their opinion - "speak to the times in which we live."
Equipped with a maximum budget of $25,000 from the Fine Arts Endowment, the students researched, analyzed, debated, and ultimately decided on several works to present to LUAG senior staff for consideration. The works of art on view in this spotlight and in the LUAG Lower Gallery are the results of their deliberations.
Student Curators: Isabel Barone '21, Leah Canel '21, Hannah Coleman '22, Olivia Dehoff ;22, Leigh DeLaney '21, Kate Goodwin '22, Chloe Harting '22, Shirla Hector '22, Erica Kagan '22, Rachel Yiran Liu '22, Sara Sanchez Rivera '23, Rei Ukon '21, Lena Weisman '22, and Hallie Wilson '22.
Learn more by reading the recent Lehigh News article by Emily Collins.