News Archive

Monday, August 2, 2021 - 8:00am
On Episode 65 of No Rain Date, we’re joined by William B. Crow, Ph.D., who is Director of Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG) as well as a professor of practice at the school. Dr. Crow shares details about his professional background, which has...
woman holding baby while two young children create art
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 - 8:59am
Interesting and unique materials invite exploration, which means art materials do not have to start and end with paint and markers.(GETTY IMAGES) Process art can help K-8 students express their emotions and practice critical developmental skills....
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 9:00am
ART275 virtual visit to Durham Press Undergraduate students purchased four new artworks for Lehigh University Art Galleries. Focusing on research and exploring the art acquisition process, students enrolled in ART275: Museum Collections and Exhibitions...
Thursday, May 6, 2021 - 10:00am
Dr. William Crow, Director of the Lehigh University Art Galleries and Professor of Practice at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, speaking about the current course offered under the banner of the Museum Studies Minor. The class is designed to educate...
Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 10:00am
The LUAG curatorial team and seven seniors from the Department of Art, Architecture and Design installed "Art, Architecture and Design: The Senior Thesis Exhibition" at the Siegel Gallery, Iacocca Hall. (Courtesy of Sarrah Hussain and Erik Kersten)...
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 3:00pm
The Lehigh University Art Gallery is located on 420 E Packer Ave. Throughout the pandemic LUAG has continued to provide artistic and cultural activities throughout the pandemic and now continue to operate in a hybrid way. (Sally Gu/B&W Staff)...
Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 9:00am
Dr. William Crow, LUAG Director and Professor of Practice at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, speaking about the Galleries' collection and how the public will be able to interact with many of the works as the new year begins. Listen to the interview on...
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 8:00am
The $5 million gift from arts philanthropist Kenneth R. Woodcock ’65 will preserve LUAG’s teaching collection and enhance art education. The gift from Kenneth R. Woodcock ’65 will preserve LUAG’s teaching collection and enhance art education. A $5 million...
Friday, January 1, 2021 - 8:00am
The black-and-white photos tell the story of democracy in action: The 1963 March on Washington. Angry demonstrators protesting segregation. People gathering to vote. And, enthusiastic delegates at the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami. The...
Monday, December 21, 2020 - 8:00am
LUAG Director William Crow, left, and Robert G. Wheeler ’50 met at a restaurant in New York City in October 2019 to discuss the porcelain collection. Robert G. Wheeler ’50 donates collection to Lehigh University Art Galleries to serve as teaching tool....
