Hear Me Roar: An artistic celebration of Lehigh women

A portrait of Dame Judi Dench sits in a hall of the Rauch Business Center. Sitting alongside her are portraits of several other women, decorating the space with a commemoration of 50 years of women at Lehigh.
The photograph is from Joyce Tenneson’s book “Wise Women: A Celebration of Their Insights, Courage, and Beauty.” Its pages are lined with stories and wisdom of older women.
The work of Tenneson and nine other women photographers are part of the exhibition series Hear Me Roar: Women Photographers, presented by the Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG).
The exhibition marks one of many ways the 50th year of co-education at Lehigh is being celebrated. On display from August until May 27, the collections, which are split into four parts, can be found in the Dubois Gallery in Maginnes Hall, The Gallery at Rauch Business Center, the Siegel Gallery at Iacocca Hall and the Fairchild Martindale Study Gallery.
Follow the link in the additional information box to read the full article by Mercy Mirembe.