Alumni Memorial Gallery • Fairchild-Martindale Study Gallery • Siegel Gallery • Dubois Gallery • The Gallery at Rauch Business Center

We live in turbulent times, immersed in a global pandemic, political division, and ongoing battles for racial and gender equity.  At the same time, many are struggling with the details of earning a living, connecting with friends and family, and making time for self-care.  These events have caused us to reevaluate and reprioritize our lives.  As we reflect on what is important, many are asking: What matters most?

Over the past year, over 100 Lehigh students, faculty, and staff, as well as community members in Bethlehem were asked what matters most to them.  A broad range of topics were discussed, from protecting our environment to fighting racism to our individual and collective well-being.

The contributors were asked to discuss these issues, and then to select works of art from Lehigh’s collection that help us think more deeply about them. Rather than being illustrations of specific issues, or even the central topic of concern to the artist, these selections are meant to expand, explore, and connect our ideas about what matters most.

We invite you to visit the exhibition in five of our campus galleries, as well as along the South Bethlehem Greenway. Be sure to attend our free programs and events.

Tag @luartgalleries and #WhatMattersMost to add your voice to the conversation.


View the full exhibition on JSTOR.

View the Alumni Memorial Gallery portion of the exhibition on JSTOR.

View the Fairchild-Martindale Study Gallery portion of the exhibition on JSTOR.

View the Siegel Gallery portion of the exhibition on JSTOR.

View the Dubois Gallery portion of the exhibition on JSTOR.

View the Gallery at Rauch Business Center portion of the exhibition on JSTOR.



Listen to audio descriptions for a selected group of works from the exhibition on Spotify.

Support for What Matters Most provided by Southside Arts District, Lehigh University Counseling and Psychological Services, Lehigh University Peer Health Advisors, and Lehigh University Office of Residence Life.