Sara Jewel '23 discusses George Segal's "Woman on Park Bench," 1998 / (Cast 2005)
This video was created by Sara Jewel '23 as part of her coursework for ART175, "Introduction to Museum Work."
Lehigh University is home to over 50 outdoor sculptures located across three campuses, including the Asa Packer Campus, Mountaintop Campus, and Goodman Campus. The Outdoor Sculpture Collection includes sculptures that range in scale from the modest to the monumental and encompass a variety of styles, approaches, periods, and materials.
American (1924-2000)
Woman on Park Bench, 1998 / (Cast 2005)
Painted bronze, metal bench
Gift of the George and Helen Segal Foundation and The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation, Frederick and Jane Jamieson, Soteria and George N. Kledaras, In Memory of Antonia Kledaras, Martha Connelly Leitner and Paul N. Leitner, Sue and Eugene Mercy, Jr., and Christie and Ronald J. Ulrich
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